Featured Projects
Co-founder & Chief Creative Officer
Curated News Aggregator
Blue Medora
Willis Collaborative
Art Direction+UX & UI=Responsive Web
Colibiri App
AgileISRelish Interactive
Concepts+UI Design=Mobile & Tablet App
Government of Tomorrow
Saleforce • Relish Interactive
Art Direction+UX & UI=Interactive Tour
Kidney Transplant Xplained
Medicine X
UX Design=Mobile App
Scattegories Blitz
Art Direction+UI Design=Mobile & Tablet Game
Weirdwood Manor - Vol. 1 & Vol. 2
Wasabi Entertainment
UX+UI= Tablet/Mobile Interactive Storybook
Ranger Rob
NelvanaTreehouse TVRelish
Creative Direction+UX & UI=Web & Mobile Game
When I Grow Up
Creative Direction+UX & UI=Web/Mobile Game
The Loud House
UI Design=Proposal & Prototype
UX Design=Mobile App
Xavier Riddle & the Secret Museum
PBS Kids9 Story Media GroupRelish
Creative Direction+Design=Winning Proposal
Friends of the River
Art Direction+UI Design=Non-Profit Responsive Web
More samples
Clothesline App
Canadian Diabetes Association • Relish
UX Design=Mobile App
Secure Hire
Relish Interactive
UX+UI=Responsive Web
City of the Future
Art Direction+UX & UI=Web & Tablet Interactive Tour
CFL Game Tracker
CFL • Relish Interactive
UX+UI=Mobile App
Koodo Krush
Koodo • Relish Interactive
Art Direction+UX & UI=Responsive Web & Mobile/Tablet Game
Look Kool
TVO Kids • Relish Interactive
Art Direction+UX & UI=Web Game
Eye of the Hurricane
Relish Interactive
Art Direction+UX & UI=Responsive Web
Arc Productions
Relish Interactive
Art Direction+UX & UI=Responsive Web
Zuckerberg S.F. Hospital
UI Design=Responsive Web
Years of Living Dangerously
Relish • Tractor
UX+UI=Responsive Web
PsOps Adventures
Relish • Tractor
UI Design=Interactive Story with Mini-Games